Now Available: "Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming" for Woodwind Quartet

My first publicly available arrangement is now available for purchase! The score and parts for woodwind quartet are live on Sheet Music Plus.

This arrangement of "Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming" sets the traditional carol for woodwind quartet (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon). Arranged to be easily accessible to early intermediate players in schools and churches alike, the arrangement stays true  to the original carol with limited original writing added to highlight the unique timbres of a woodwind quartet. The arrangement is approximately 1:30, perfect for a short interlude and easily repeatable to provide more material.

If you'd like to see this re-arranged for other quartet, drop me a note and I'll get right on it. I plan to post others anyway, but if you have one you'd like to see first, let me know. And if you purchase and perform, please share with me! I love knowing my music is out there in the world.